
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween Party 2011

I had just realized I hadn't posted any of the AMAZING pictures from this year’s pumpkin carving party!

Some fun moments:
 - Realizing people had got to the park at 4AM that morning to reserve ALL the tables, leaving our party “SOL”
 - Going to Thomas's work to steal tables and chairs, manually putting them into his car, and hauling them up to LA
 - Changing the time of the party three times
 - Going through all the pumpkin guck to find the seeds (Yummy)
 - Cuteness overload with two puppies and a baby
 - Amazing beautiful day full of friends, babies, and puppies!

Things to remember for next year….Pay the money to reserve the tables so we don’t loose another 5 years on our life due to stress.

Found a space!

In the last post, I had a little mishap with the purchasing of a beautiful tree sticker. BUT I have great news that we have found a place for it. My mom and dad came over on Sunday and my mom, being the interior design guru she is, found a perfect place for it that enhanced our bedroom! It was the perfect color and size! I know the picture is a little dark, but you get the picture!

A little background on our bedroom….We had mounted our TV in our bedroom, but with that comes a lot of wires. We had a black coil thingy (like my technical term) to keep all the wires together and keep it as neat as possible. The problem is it isn’t the best looking, so now with this tree it looks more like the trunk. Very excited!

Monday, November 7, 2011

95% Accurate

I like to say that I have a good eye for measurements. 95% of the time I am able to find great deals on things I need, and they work out really well. I totally thrive on finding amazing deals for quality items. (It’s a little bit of an obsession) With that said, I have been in the process of decorating our new home and was pretty much done except for one or two “improvements.” I found a great addition to our home which was a tree that was essentially a sticker. The way our layout is in our living room is our TV isn’t centered on the wall due to the "L” shaped couch, so I needed to find something that could go on the wall behind it, but go with the lopsided theme. I found this tree that looked like it was being blowing in the wind. (See picture below. It’s similar but not the same. Mine was prettier.) It was perfect! It could go around the TV! I found it on for $25 bucks. I had been doing research and the ones I saw were $150-200 bucks a pop. Once I saw it, I was sold! What a great deal!

It finally came and couldn’t wait to get home and complete our living room with this fun print. I took it out of the wrapper, held it up to the wall and then all I heard was immense laughter coming from behind me. I guess I didn’t know the exact size of the print, and it was about 4 feet two small. SO BUMMED!!!!! Thomas enjoyed it thoroughly though.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I love October! I love that it’s starting to get cold (although it was 90 degrees a couple weekends ago) and I definitely LOVE it’s almost time for Halloween! One of my favorite holidays by far. Think about it, it’s the best excuse to act like a kid, dress up in sexy, funny, and/or awesome clothes and go out with friends. What’s better than that?!

UH, I can only think of one thing….Our pumpkin carving party. A little history….

The event began in our house five years ago when I lived with Lo. We would have to keep it small because we would move all of the furniture out of our small house, duct tape trash bags to the wood floors (which turned out to be a bad idea), and throw the bash in our living room. It turned out be such a popular event every year, we had to figure out a way to allow everyone to come. SO two years ago we moved it to the park. Much easier clean up, everyone can come, and it’s covered seating. WIN!

Fast forward 5 years and our 5th annual pumpkin party will this Sunday! We have a record number attending and it will be amazing! Friends, family, kids, and puppies will all be there! Happy Carving!

Here are a few pictures from last years gala:

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thomas is away, so let the girls go play!

Thomas is gone on a bachelor party for the weekend, so I thought this would be a perfect time to go up to LA to see my girl Lo. She has been doing this cirque class, which was founded by a former Cirque du Soleil person. Tomorrow I am going to get to participate first hand and see what crazy stunts she has been doing! So excited! If I come back contorted then you know why.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Mark Your Calendars - 5/6/2012

As many of you can remember last this past year I trained for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation’s (PCRF) 10k run. After never having done a run before (I’m an elliptical gal), I was extremely anxious and nervous to participate. Thanks to a few office co-workers encouraging demanding I do it with them, I was off running.
Thank goodness PCRF put together a “VIP Training Program” which consisted of me waking up early every Saturday morning three months before the event and running with a bunch of people who are all training and raising money for the same cause. I am NOT a runner….AT ALL, but I was with coaches and people that helped me through the pain and told me I could do it. It was refreshing. Not to mention, we were doing this for the kids that aren’t able to run for themselves.

The day of the event came and I got chills by the amount of love and dedication these kids have. It was such a wonderful day and it made me proud to be apart of something great, so it was a no-brainer that I would help coordinate next years event. So here I am….a committee member.

PCRF Walk / Run / Bike Tour, May 6, 2012

 If any of you would like to get involved, help pump up the event, or help raise some $$, please let me know. We are always looking for great people and generous donators.

Few pictures from this year:

WE WON!!! just kiddiing

Thursday, September 1, 2011


It's ALREADY September

I honestly can’t believe it’s already September! Where has the summer gone? I feel like I am just starting to get the hang of the warm nights, beach days, and white pants. Looking back at the past few months there have been a TON of fun summer nights. The last couple weekends Thomas and I have been going out with friends, celebrating a lot of birthdays, playing house, and reading by the pool. Not too shabby, right?

My favorites are the happy hours after work with the girls or with old friends:

Aaron and I

 Sometimes, however, they do turn into a little more which consists of a tambourine, boa and aviators….

Stacy's birthday

Things to look forward to in September:
Robin and Jason’s wedding in Tahoe and a weekend get-a-way
Brad’s birthday (even if I don’t get to see him on it)
LA weekend with my bestie

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Insert me here!

I read an article on CNN today that featured a couple that sold everything and moved to Costa Rica. They got out before the drop in economy and live on $1000 bucks a month. I often think about just dropping everything, grabbing the essentials (including Thomas), and go traveling until I run out of money. I think it would be so freeing!

Being a girl traveling isn’t always safe, which is why Thomas would have to agree to go.
Limited amount of money
Wars going on around the world

Seeing the world
Meeting new people
Pushing boundaries
No rules
Not waiting until I am old to travel, since there are no guarantees
Educating myself

I think the pros category wins!

Insert me here

Monday, August 15, 2011

BIG KIDS being little kids

Over the weekend, I celebrated a girlfriends birthday with a few friends. The birthday girl was insistent about playing dodge-ball at a place where there are only trampolines in the entire warehouse. Let me tell you, it's a WORKOUT! There were about 20 of us "big kids" in a warehouse full of  little kids. Needless to say, we fit in perfectly. We thought it would be a good idea to take them on in a dodge ball game. We LOST....horribly!


Sweating profusely after only 15 mins
Loosing to 10 year olds WITH dignity
Jumping into a sea of foam (not exactly sanitary)
Headbands were a necessity
Having the BEST time!

The crew

Can you see him in the foam?!

What is with boys and video games?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today's feeling

This is what I feel like today:

Enough said.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

G'day - So long!

Yesterday Thomas and I dropped my parents off at LAX (Lax as my mom was saying in the car) to catch a flight to Australia. There were no words to express my jealousy. My cool brother has been living there since February and this is their trip to visit him. As most of you know I lived there for a short time during college, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I experienced a new country, met my best friend, and realized having bars open until 5am was not always a great thing. I digress.

Before coming to a slow roll and pushing them out of the car, we ate at P.F. Changs. Sharing stories, drinking wine, and eating lots of carbs is a great way to send them off.

I didn’t get a great picture of the rents, but I did of Thomas and I!

Their plan is to arrive in Sydney, grab my brother and head up to Carnes (pronounced like “cans”) to check out the Great Barrier Reef and possibly go white water rafting. Then they might head to Frasier Island, which is the biggest island in the world made out of just sand. After that it’s back to Sydney to hang out with our great friends the Blackwells.

Bon voyage!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hey Soll Food follower, its Thomas, Tasha’s funny, smart, sexy, suave boyfriend! ;-)  Tasha was gracious enough to let me be a guest blogger so that I can share a hilarious moment I had last week at work!  This is officially my first and only blog!  So thank you Tasha and thanks to all of you for supporting Tasha’s crack habit…err, blog.  J

One of my roles and responsibilities at the engineering firm I work is to interview candidates for new positions in our engineering department.  I’ve been interviewing for probably 6 years or more and I’ve seen some good interviews and I’ve seen some bad ones.  But the guy I interviewed last week topped all the bad ones…by far!  To protect the innocent and stupid, we’ll call him Frank.

Frank arrives, we meet, shake hands and go into the conference room for the interview.  The interview begins.

“So, Frank, how’s your day going?”  Normally everyone nails the first question of the interview!  Its really hard to screw this one up.

His answer, after a brief pause, “Not so good…” 

Wrong answer!  Obviously this guy didn’t read our website.  We’re engineers not psychiatrists!

Moving on, “so you’re interning at the City of Los Angeles?”  That’s what it says on his application AND resume.

Another brief pause, “Uh…”, another pause, “…umm, yeah.  I walked into their office and said I’d volunteer.”

Wait…you walked into city hall for a small town called Los Angeles and told them you’d volunteer?  This guy’s a go-getter!  So my boss jumps in, “Oh, so you’re a volunteer.  How many hours do you volunteer a week?  8?  30?”

Frank seems totally confused by this question.  How do I know this, you ask?!  The expression on my face below is the same look on his face at this point!  He had this confused or disheveled look during the entire interview!  I seriously think he took the bus through Santa Ana on his way to the interview and saw things a man should never see. 

“Uhh…yeah”, he says.  His answer confirmed my thoughts!  There was a total of three questions asked…probably three too many for him!

It should be noted that we were asking questions in English.  Good English, not the English you hear on the streets of LA or on one of those Kardashian reality shows where every other word is “like” or “you know”.

Ok, so it’s obvious this guy is five beers short of a six pack, so we decide to go easy on him.  Frank listed on his resume that he was 3 credits short of graduating but because of a lack of funds, he hadn’t finished his schooling.  We’ll give him an opportunity to earn some sympathy points with our next few questions.

“So Frank, you’re going to school at CSULB?  It says here that-”, bam, he cuts me off!

“No, no, no, I haven’t gone to school in, like, a while.  It’s been, like, a year or more since I, like, had classes last.”  Oh, I see, he watches Keeping Up With The Kardashians!

Apparently this guy thinks we frown upon those that attend a higher learning institution.  Wrong answer again!  Let’s chat more about his school since its apparent it’s his only real experience aside from “volunteering”.

“What courses have you taken at CSULB?”

“Umm…well there was a geotech course, umm, structural engineering, umm, math and physics and umm…you know, the courses you would take if you were studying engineering.”   Oh yeah, those courses!  I’m an idiot for asking!

The next question is a softball and all he has to do is hit it outta the park!

“Math and physics classes, I see.  So do you excel at math and physics?”

“Umm…”, another long pause, “…I wouldn’t say I excel.  I’d say I’m more like average.  Umm..”  I swear to God this is his exact quote!  At this point I thought he was going to continue talking but then he just stopped and stared at us.  WTF?!?  Who goes into an interview and tells the interviewer, no, I kinda suck at this but you should still hire me anyway!  Seriously!  It’s at this point I’m really trying hard not to laugh!!  My boss begins to smile too, obviously holding back laughter!

“So what got you interested in civil engineering”, we ask.

“Umm…well…”, another long pause.  Then he decides maybe he should just stop talking!  Now there’s an awkward long silence and no one really knows whose turn it is to talk.  Is he going to finish?!  WTF?!

“Did you know anyone in engineering or do you like the physics”, my boss finally asks, trying to pry an answer out of him.

“Well, umm, we had these two guys come to our school and talk about engineering when I was at the community college…”  He stops again in mid-sentence!!   Holy cow this guy is a gem!

So my boss decides to make up answers for him!  “Oh, so you heard two people talk about engineering and you thought it might be something you enjoy?”

His response to my boss’s answer:  “Kind of, yeah. I saw online that there’s Professional Engineers (PE) and Geotechnical Engineers. I think being a Geotechnical Engineer might be too hard for me but I might want to be a PE.”  Putting together a complete sentence is too hard for you!!  Holy sh*t!!  This guy is incredible!

We end the interview by giving him the opportunity to ask questions about the company.  Typically most candidates check out our website to see what we do.  Frank admits that he “sort of” checked out our website!  My boss subtly tells him to keep “working” at the City of Los Angeles for the experience; we wish him luck, tell him we’ll be in contact with him and send him on his way.

I wish I could’ve taken a picture of this guy to add with the blog!  My impression above will have to do!  By far, the worst interview I’ve ever sat through.  We rank each candidate after the interview and Frank earned himself a whooping zero out of ten!

If you can come away with anything from this blog entry, come away with this: if you’re interviewing and someone asks you if you excel at something, even if you don’t, lie to them and say you freakin’ rock at it!  Also, don’t look like this during the interview:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Game Night

This weekend was a combo of fun / games and relaxing. After having a cold all week, I needed some down time, nevertheless when one of my best friends from San Diego wanted to get together, how could I say no? I am SO glad I didn’t. I ended up planning a game night with a few people from work, and a couple other fun people. It turned out to be a party of 9 people!

Lots and lots of wine mixed with Cranium and Apples to Apples makes for a memorable night!

Love my games.

Cutest Couple ever!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Face time

Since moving down to “the OC” (you have to put it in quotation marks) I haven’t had a ton of quality time with Lo. I mean, I was used to seeing her everyday for almost four years and it went down to zero. That’s hard for a girl! We talk on the phone as often as we can, but that doesn’t make up for face time! SO, I was incredibly pumped to see her this weekend and have her all to myself.

Some fun highlights:

Getting lost on a 2.5 hour hike…..twice
Realizing your friends are your therapists, so choose them wisely
Mozzarella, Tomatoes, and basil are the BEST on a hot summer afternoon
Red wine cures all things
Buyer’s remorse is a real feeling; however I can overcome it too easily or ignore it all together
Notting hill is a great movie!
Apparently I suck at cleaning dishes…..
Horrible bosses made me giggle…a lot

I was horrible about taking pictures this weekend (I think it’s because we were having too much fun), so I am adding some classics from the past.

My favorite! Lo's Birthday

Moving day 2010

Halloween 2009

Laker Girls!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 Years ago....

I realized after visiting University of Arizona this past weekend that it has been 10 years since I pledged Alpha Phi (my sorority). Time really does fly by. Alpha Phi was such a big part of my life for four years and it brought back some really good memories when I ran through the halls of the Phi (it’s what we call the sorority house)!

Some fun highlights of living in the Phi and visiting it 10 years later:

*Leaving your name and the year you were there somewhere in the room before you move out and being able to find it years later. (See picture)
*Seeing the composites of when we were there. (Composites are like a year book.They are pictures of all the girls in the house that year with their positions)
*Seeing the house with all its new improvements. It looks really nice!
*Being jealous of the new girls that will be pledging next month and starting college!

Some phrases I learned while being there:

“Get Excited”
“Hottie – Tottie”


Aphi Love

My composite picture when I was Prez!

Kelly and I in 2002-2003 composite!

When Kelly and I lived together in the Phi