
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Insert me here!

I read an article on CNN today that featured a couple that sold everything and moved to Costa Rica. They got out before the drop in economy and live on $1000 bucks a month. I often think about just dropping everything, grabbing the essentials (including Thomas), and go traveling until I run out of money. I think it would be so freeing!

Being a girl traveling isn’t always safe, which is why Thomas would have to agree to go.
Limited amount of money
Wars going on around the world

Seeing the world
Meeting new people
Pushing boundaries
No rules
Not waiting until I am old to travel, since there are no guarantees
Educating myself

I think the pros category wins!

Insert me here

1 comment:

  1. Let me check with my girlfriend and I'll let you know if I can go!!


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