
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Face time

Since moving down to “the OC” (you have to put it in quotation marks) I haven’t had a ton of quality time with Lo. I mean, I was used to seeing her everyday for almost four years and it went down to zero. That’s hard for a girl! We talk on the phone as often as we can, but that doesn’t make up for face time! SO, I was incredibly pumped to see her this weekend and have her all to myself.

Some fun highlights:

Getting lost on a 2.5 hour hike…..twice
Realizing your friends are your therapists, so choose them wisely
Mozzarella, Tomatoes, and basil are the BEST on a hot summer afternoon
Red wine cures all things
Buyer’s remorse is a real feeling; however I can overcome it too easily or ignore it all together
Notting hill is a great movie!
Apparently I suck at cleaning dishes…..
Horrible bosses made me giggle…a lot

I was horrible about taking pictures this weekend (I think it’s because we were having too much fun), so I am adding some classics from the past.

My favorite! Lo's Birthday

Moving day 2010

Halloween 2009

Laker Girls!

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