
Thursday, June 9, 2011


I don’t know about you, but I love to sleep. I go to great lengths to make sure I get enough each night. If I slack on the full 8 hours, I feel completely useless the next day, not to mention I end up getting sick if I do it a few days in a row. How do some people go no little sleep and still function the next day? I have never understood this. I get into a funk I can’t snap out of. Needless to say, today I feel like poop. The last couple days Thomas and I have been going to bed later and later. It’s not on purpose, but when you get home (after going to the gym), make some food, tidy up the house, and then finally sit down it’s already 10:30 pm. No bueno! I need to figure out a way to get a full night of sleep in without neglecting my chores, body, social life and boyfriend. Suggestions?

Last night in particular we went to the Angels game with a few friends from work. It was a good time except for the fact that we didn’t get home until 10pm. The good news is that we already ate, so no cooking was required, however my OCD kicks in when things are out of place, so we didn’t get to sleep until 11pm. Not good when you have to wake up early the next day.

I know you are all wondering…Angels lost.

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